The Five Steps for Creating a Business Continuity Plan

How will your business respond when faced with an unexpected situation? With a business continuity plan, you’ll know exactly what steps to take. Leading a small business is a challenging endeavor. According to a January 2021 article published by Entrepreneur, 20% of small businesses fail within their first year of operation. And a staggering 50% fail within five years. There …

The Seven Tips On Organizing Your Office Desktop

Increasing productivity in your business doesn’t just entail optimizing your equipment and sharpening your attention. Decluttering your computer desktop is also essential.  A clutter-free office is paramount to improving your productivity. Piles of stationery on your desk can cause you to waste a lot of time searching for a critical document. As a result, you’re less likely to meet deadlines.  …

How To Choose Your VPN to Boost Protection Against Cyberattacks

Public networks expose your business to security threats. Switching to a VPN can greatly help in reducing those threats. Many companies rely on public networks for communication and data sharing. It allows them to cut costs and allocate their funds elsewhere.  However, it also raises several security issues.  For starters, the network provider might be monitoring the activity, which gives …

Increasing Your Office Productivity With Streamlined Android Apps – The 3 Best Solutions

Is your team also using their Android mobile devices to do their tasks? Incorporating an Android suite of apps into your workplace can dramatically improve productivity.   Many organizations opt for Android to take their office productivity to the next level. After all, they can provide higher flexibility, better workflows, and efficient communication.  All sectors in your business can even benefit …